Introduction to Dunn School with Director of Admission, Mike McKee

Learn more about Dunn School located in gorgeous Santa Ynez Valley in Santa Barbara County, California through our conversation with Dunn’s Director of Admission. We really like Dunn’s small school feel and ample opportunities to explore new and long-standing interests from robotics to surfing to investing and entrepreneurship. Who wants to be an earwig?! (Yup, that’s their mascot!)

In this chat with Mike McKee, Dunn School's Director of Admission and Advancement, we discuss:

00:33 The location and surrounding environment of Dunn School

01:06 How does the location impact the students’ campus experience

01:50 The Dunn community

02:24 A little known fact about the school

02:51 The origin of the school’s mascot

03:30 One of the favorite dining hall foods of student

04:20 A favorite annual school tradition

04:57 Something new and exciting happening at Dunn

05:43 A hot button issue on campus

06:15 The teachers at Dunn and their role in student success

07:19 A unique program that Dunn offers

08:19 How Dunn balances academic rigor with supporting students

09:16 How Dunn guides students to balance collaboration and competitiveness

10:52 How Dunn supports international students

11:38 An example of exceptional student growth at Dunn

13:02 What makes for a good fitting student at Dunn

13:59 What kind of information or indicators in the application helps identify students who will be a good fit at Dunn

14:48 The role of testing in the application process

15:57 The role of the interview and how does it factor into the overall evaluation process

16:55 What's covered in the admissions interview

17:43 Mike's advice for students and families applying to boarding school

视频中,我们谈论了: 00:21 Dunn School招生官Mike自我介绍 00:33 Dunn School的地理位置及周边环境 01:06 位置对学生校园体验的影响 01:50 对Dunn社区的描述 02:24 学校令人惊奇或鲜为人知的事情 02:51 学校吉祥物的来源 03:30 最受欢迎的餐厅食物 04:20 最受欢迎的学校年度传统 04:57 学校新发生的、令人激动的事情 05:43 过去一两年的热点话题 06:15 教师群体,以及在学生成功中扮演的角色 07:19 学校提供的独特项目或机会 08:19 如何平衡学术严谨及帮助学生 09:16 在学术之外,比如体育或课外活动,如何引导学生平衡竞争与合作 10:52 怎样支持国际学生 11:38 学生在Dunn获得突出成长或影响的事例 13:02 合适人选需要具备的特质 13:59 怎样判定学生是否具有开放态度来对待新机会,并最终为学校做出贡献 14:48 考试在申请中的地位 15:57 面试中如何评估学生,以及面试在整个申请过程中的地位 16:55 喜欢提问的,或有启发性的问题 17:43 对申请寄宿学校的学生和家长的建议